Wednesday, October 28, 2015

5 Month Favorites

Sassy Wonder Wheel This is an awesome high chair toy. The bottom is has a suction pad on it so it sticks to the tray and has lots of fun parts that can keep a baby occupied. Walt plays with it while I get his food ready or while I'm cleaning up dinner. He loves spinning the wheel; I was impressed with how well he could do this from the very first time he played with it. He usually gets it unstuck from his tray and tries to chew on the suction pad, but maybe that's just him haha...

Phil & Teds Highchair We started solid foods this month. Originally we had planned on waiting until Walt was 5 months old but he was waking up every two hours at night to nurse so we decided it might help, and I think it did. This high chair is awesome. It's easy to use and cleans up well. The only down side is the legs stick out kind of far and I'm always worried about tripping over them. But otherwise it's awesome and it also can be turned into a lower chair for an older child.

Being silly in his highchair
In his highchair playing with the wheel

Mortimer the Moose This is the toy we usually bring on walks with us. It has a clip at the top so I just hook it on the stroller straps so it doesn't fall out (I lost a burp rag one day and had to retrace my path to find it) Walt likes to chew on the antlers and loves how soft it is. There are also rings to play with and the feet make a crunchy noise so it can keep him occupied while I get a good walk.

Baby Trend Expedition Jogger Stroller We own three strollers, which is probably crazy but they all have been useful. This one is my favorite. It's easy to push and the shade cover is awesome cause it can move down to the front tray, helping block the sun. The front wheel can be locked (meaning it won't turn) if you are jogging, but we have found that even at a quick walk it needs to be locked or the whole stroller starts shaking. We took this to the state fair last month and it worked out great!

Just back from a walk in the jogger stroller with Mortimer the moose
aden + anais bamboo swaddle I know these have been on my favorites already (I think it was Month One) but they are worth repeating. These blankets are awesome! They are super soft, way softer than traditional swaddle blankets from aden + anais (which are also great!) I keep one in the car at all times, when Walt is getting fussy I hand it to him and he will rub it on his face and usually fall asleep. They are magical! Plus they have really pretty prints. The one I linked to is a different set of prints the ones we have and I told Kyle I was tempted to buy them, but we already have two packs so he didn't go for that idea. They are a bit pricier than usual swaddles but they are worth the price in my book! 

In the jogger stroller with another one of the blankets
Asleep in the car with his blanket and Mortimer
Graco Bumper Jumper Walt loves standing and this gives our arms a little break! He loves the independence of moving around and the little toys on the straps keep him very entertained. It’s really easy to put up and can be put on any doorframe.

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